Michael Veroukis 应用

Ampwifi Winamp Remote 3.3d
Michael Veroukis
If you use Winamp® to play music on your PC,then Ampwifi is what you've been looking for. Ampwifi is a remotecontrol app for your phone or tablet to control Winamp over Wi-Fi.This includes all the basic playback features like pause, rewind,volume, shuffle and many more. You can also view the currentplaylist and even browse and search your music folders. AmpwifiWinamp Remote is designed to be lightweight and responsive allowingyou to make quick adjustments on the fly.Requirements:You will need Winamp for Windows installed on your PC along withthe AjaxAMP Remote Control Plugin which you can downloadhere:✦ Dropbox✦ Winamp Enthusiasts on FacebookAjaxAMPInstallerv3.3.zip sha256:77e29248af65b0781b74d4215532fe35dba30115f3a07058800c1cac393bdbcdThe official site for the AjaxAMP plugin is:http://www.ajaxamp.com. Detailed instructions for installing andsetting up both the AjaxAMP plugin and the Ampwifi android app areincluded in the Ampwifi app itself.Features:✦ Totally free, no annoying ads.✦ Clean and quick interface designed for quick and easyaccess.✦ All basic music playing features: Play, Pause, Stop, Fastforward, Rewind, Next, Previous, Shuffle, Repeat, Mute and fullvolume control.✦ Browse and edit Playlist.✦ Browse your music library and add entire folders to yourplaylist. NOTE: The AjaxAMP plugin uses it’s own folder based medialibrary system. The Winamp media library is NOT directly supportedby Ampwifi.✦ Search your music folders. Supports wildcards and voiceinput.✦ Works over WiFi and mobile/cellular data networks.✦ Can automatically detect your Windows PC running Winamp on yourwireless LAN.✦ Includes help documentation to get you up and running inminutes.✦ Stream to device. Songs in your Winamp playlist or AjaxAMP'slibrary can now be streamed to your device. Requires a music playerapp capable of playing streamed audio, such as Google PlayMusic.✦ Download to device. Download songs from your Winamp PC to yourAndroid device while Winamp continues to play music.✦ Automatically stops music playback on Winamp when you receive acall on your Android phone.Permissions:1. Network communication▪ Full network access▪ View network connections▪ View Wi-Fi connectionsThese are needed for what I think are obvious reasons. AmpwifiWinamp Remote is an app that works over Wi-Fi and cellular datanetworks. It needs full access to your Wi-Fi and cellular radios sothat it can access Winamp which is running on a remote machine.2. Phone calls▪ Read phone status and identityThis permission is required to allow Ampwifi to stop or pauseWinamp when you receive an incoming call on your phone. Ampwifidoes nothing more than stop music playback when you receive a call,it does no data mining what so ever nor will it ever. That's apromise. On the plus side, this permission is meaningless ontablets or any device that doesn't accept calls over cellularnetworks.3. Storage▪ Modify or delete the contents of your USB storageAmpwifi doesn't directly read or write to USB storage, however,this permission is required to use the Download Manager which ispart of the Android operating system. The Download Manager isalready pre-installed on all Android 2.2+ devices and can beaccessed via the Downloads app.4. Affects battery▪ Allow Wi-Fi Multicast receptionMulticast reception is used when scanning for servers, which is howAmpwifi finds Winamp. Battery usage should be negligible.5. System tools▪ Test access to protected storageThis permission is required for the same reason the #3 Storagepermission is required.If you have any setup questions, suggestions or bug reports pleasesend me an email: support@blitterhead.com